Sunday 4 September 2011

Power corrupts, but Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This familiar saying originated as a comment in a letter written by Lord Acton, an English historian who lived from 1834 to 1902.

Throughout history the argument of power falling hand in hand with corruption has been brought to our attention in devastating scenes of destruction, turmoil and moments which will never be forgotten .Man is the most powerful creature in this world, he often makes the misuse of his power , making him corrupt and leading to self destruction. Power is simply defined as “the ability to manipulate and control whatever one desires; to do what one pleases to do without answering to authority Absolute power corrupts absolutely with the characters, because once have full control, they are so cold that they will do anything to keep the power  or to gain more. Corruption

The best example to understand the impact of absolute power is the dictatorship by Hitler. Hitler desired absolute powerand became an example of self destructing demeanour. His “vaulting ambition” led to many unfortunate incidents which resulted in the death of innocent lives. People who believe that absolute power doesn’t corrupt absolutely are very mislead. Power is evil unless used appropriately.When the protagonist Hitler began wiping out Jews in what is known to be the most appalling genocide, his callous actions were provoked by his malicious ambition for power. Perceived as a hero by many, Hitler was a very intelligent man. Unfortunately, his cruelty outweighed his intelligence. Similarly, Macbeth was initially referred to as a hero and a man of honour and bravery. “But it’s all too weak, for brave Macbeth”

So from this one can very well understand the impact of absolute power .I think one must always make a sensible use of power as  

“power corrupts a person”